Keeping up with your oral health adequately will not only ensure that you have a bright and shiny smile throughout your life, but it will also save you from the pain of dealing with a variety of tooth decay problems and gum diseases. Tooth decay is unfortunately common, and though it has always been something people have had to deal with, it has only been exacerbated by the widespread consumption of soda and other high-sugar snacks. For instances of significant tooth decay, the common corrective technique is a root canal treatment.
Root canal treatment involves thoroughly clearing out any and all signs of tooth decay from a given tooth. Though historically not the most comfortable of treatments, modern dentistry technology and practices have made the procedure more accessible than ever before. Plus, the symptoms of tooth decay that call for a root canal are far more uncomfortable in comparison.
Obvious and Severe Tooth Discoloration
A simple visual indication that your teeth are suffering from tooth decay and may need root canal treatment is that they are severely discolored. This will be far more significant discoloration than the typical off-white color teeth may have with inadequate dental hygiene routines. This discoloration occurs as the plaque builds up and tooth decay breaks down your tooth enamel.
Foul Breath and Mouth Sores
If you’re in need of root canal treatment, you may also discover that your breath has become somewhat (or very) foul—persisting even through frequent brushing, mouthwash use, and tongue scraping. You may also find that your mouth is developing pimple-like sores along your gums near the decaying tooth.
Discomfort and Pain While Chewing
The most obvious telltale sign that you’re likely in need of root canal treatment is frequent toothaches and pain, especially when chewing on food or clenching your teeth in any way. This pain is caused by the decay wearing down on your tooth and exposing sensitive nerves that are typically protected by the natural tooth enamel.
Stress-Free and Effective Root Canal in Las Vegas, NV
If you are currently experiencing any of the above issues and believe that you may need root canal treatment, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Paez and his staff at 702-737-3553. Located conveniently just outside of the Las Vegas Strip, the Nevada Dental Esthetics team serves patients who travel from all around the globe, helping them with any dental issues thrown their way.